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Innovation in Gevernment Sector

Government sector innovation involves creating, developing and implementing innovative ideas that achieve a public benefit.

This might be a new product or service, an updated process, a suggested policy or it can involve approaching a challenge in a new way, or stopping a practice that isn’t working anymore (such as outdated or unnecessary functions). Effective government sector innovation is based on the principle of continuous development, which takes into consideration the government services from the stakeholders’ point of view and it relies on the partnerships between the government and the citizens to come up with appropriate solutions to improve government services.

The challenge is to integrate these new ideas into other existing systems and processes, and monitor the results in the long term to find out what works. Innovation also involves people, resources and systems and is a practice that must be encouraged at all government levels, as everyone has the ability to be innovative.

Types of Innovation

There are several types of innovation in the government sector. Examples include but are not limited to:

Stages of Innovation

The innovation process can be divided into the following seven stages:

DIY Toolkit

The Development Impact and You toolkit has been specially designed for practitioners to dive straight into action

Success Stories


Top Employees


Ministry of Economy's Strategic Objectives

National Strategy of Advanced Innovation

Innovation Priority Sectors

Innovation Champions

An Innovation-Enabling Environment

Ideas Submition Steps

Appeal Procedures